Teen Mental Health Resources

Contacts - Debra Krayniewski 

Finding Help in Asheboro, NC
Our Teen Mental Health Program

Suicide Is Never the Answer

Thoughts of suicide can be frightening. But we can avoid devastating outcomes by reaching out for help
or checking in with friends and family. Suicidal thoughts are a symptom, just like any other – they can be
treated and improve over time. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available for
Asheboro, NC.


  • Call 911 if you need emergency medical assistance for a life-or-death situation involving yourself or others.
  • 988 has been designated the new three-digit dialing code to route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Available for calls, webchats, or texts. Available 24/7. Call or text 988, or chat 988lifeline.org to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
  • If you, or someone you know, needs help with a substance abuse or mental health disorder, contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889, or texting your zip code to 435748 (HELP4U), or using SAMHSA’s Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator to get help.

Mental Health Treatment Options

If you’re wondering where to go for mental health help, here are some of the types of places you
can go that are easily accessible to you in Randolph County:

If you have access, your first action should be to schedule an appointment with your primary care
provider. They can provide initial mental health screenings, refer you to
mental health specialists, and help you develop a well-documented paper trail of your quest for mental
health support. If you have an appointment scheduled soon with your
primary care provider and are struggling to maintain your mental health, voice your concerns and ask for

To find a therapist, use one of the resources listed under the NC Alliance of YMCAs Finding Help page.

To find specific culturally competent care (therapists who may share your background or culture), use
one of the resources listed under the NC Alliance of YMCAs Mental Health in Marginalized Groups page.

About Mental Health

From a young age, we're taught that you should visit the doctor when you feel physical pain or
discomfort. But what do you do when the pain and discomfort are coming from your thoughts and

While physical illnesses affect part of your body, mental illnesses affect your emotions, thinking, or
behavior— and sometimes a combination of the three. Left untreated, mental illnesses can impact your
ability to:


  • do well in school or at work
  • maintain healthy relationships
  • manage day-to-day tasks
  • and so much more...

Even though diagnosing a mental illness is not as straightforward as diagnosing a physical illness (like a
broken leg or a cold), they are all health conditions with life-saving treatments available.

Learn More

Mental Illness is Nothing to be Ashamed of

Just like asthma or diabetes, you can’t control whether you experience mental illness or not. Some
people are more prone to mental illnesses due to genetics, while others may experience trauma that
leads to mental illness.

The bottom line is that we can’t control the cards we’re dealt, but we can choose to use the resources
available to help us.

Mental Illness Doesn’t Have a “Face”

Mental illness can affect anyone— regardless of age, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, income, or
social status. It could be the friend you know is having problems at home or the friend who seemingly
has it all together.

In a group of you and your four closest friends, at least one has experienced some form of mental

You're Not Alone in Randolph County

According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the presence of almost every poor
mental health indicator has risen since 2011.

Of course, as a young person, you experience a unique set of challenges in life, but just because mental
health struggles are common doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek help.

It’s okay not to feel okay sometimes. However, being honest about when to reach out for help is
essential. The YMCA of Randolph-Asheboro has teen mental health resources to help you feel seen,
safe, and get the help you need.

Youth, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ Communities Face a Greater Risk

The unique challenges of being young, a person of color, or part of the LGBTQ+ community create a
higher risk for mental health struggles. Maintaining good mental health can be more difficult for some
when considering that you can hold several of these identities simultaneously.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought on new struggles for young people, too. Some of the factors that
affected teen mental health during COVID-19 include (but are not limited to):


  • Isolation from peers
  • Rapidly adapting to virtual learning
  • Changes to sleep habits (and other routines)

Many People Don’t Know How to Access Mental Health Resources

Of the many young people who struggle with a mental health disorder, only about half receive the
needed treatment. Frequently, young people end up waiting over ten years to get treatment.
Imagine dealing with the pain and struggles of an injury for over ten years because you didn’t have the
resources you needed for treatment.

The YMCA of Randolph-Asheboro Has the Teen Mental Health Resources You Need.

The Y recognizes the significant impact that experiences tied to identity, real-life events, and stress have
on young people’s mental health.

Therefore, we are committed to doing everything possible to destigmatize mental health issues, support
Asheboro, NC, and provide the education and resources our young people are looking for.

Learn More