
Sports Director - Branson O'Hara

For any weather cancelations or delays, please go to the following resources:

Online Registration

Share your photos (#raymca) with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



YMCA Youth Volleyball is designed to teach the basic skills of volleyball to those who have never played and imprpve the skills of those who have. Athletes will learn the fundamentals of volleyball, with a focus placed on ball control, offensive and defensive tactics, rules and regulations of the game, teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play for all. The YMCA core values will also be emphasized.

We have four different age groups for our youth league.

Grades 3-4th (Games on Tuesday nights)
Grades 5-6th (Games on Tuesday nights)
Grades 7-8th (Games on Thursday nights)
Grades 9-12th (Games on Thursday nights)

Players in grades 7-12th will need to attend the Skills Evaluation so our coaches will be able to see the skill level of the players, because the coaches are the ones who choose the teams. If you are not able to attend the skills evaluation, you will still be put on a team, but a coach will not be able to choose you. 


Challenge Volleyball League

With the growing interest of volleyball in Randolph County, players and coaches have expressed an interest in a new, competive league for local travel, middle school, or aspiring travel teams. The new league will give 5-6th and 7-8th grade girls the opportunity to play volleyball at a higher level. This league will follow NCHSV rules (biggest rule change: all serving from white line).

Coaches and parents, fill out the Challenge League Registration Form, and have your players sign up individually. 


Spring Volleyball Season

Registration: January 1st - February 25th
Season: March 18th - May 1st
Tournament: May 1st. Starts at 9:00 AM
Fee: $70/Members; $90/Non Member
A late fee of $10 will be applied if a registration is accepted past the deadline.
Coaches Meeting (For Grades 3-6): March 3rd at 7:30 PM
*All Coaches must attend the coaches meeting. If you want to coach, contact Branson O'Hara
New Parent Meeting: March 4th at 7:30 PM

Skills Evaluation: 
Grades 7-8: Thursday, March 6th, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Draft After)
Grades 9-12: Monday, March 10th, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Draft After)
Players must come to evaluation to make team as fair as possible
Skills Camp Registration
Skills Camp Information

Season Information

3-4 Schedule
5-6 Schedule
7-8 Schedule
9-12 Schedule


Fall Volleyball Season

Registration: August 1st - October 7th
Season: October 28th - December 11th
Tournament: December 13th. Starts at 9:00 AM
Fee: $60/Members; $80/Non Member
A late fee of $10 will be applied if a registration is accepted past the deadline.
Coaches Meeting: October 14th at 6:00 PM
*All Coaches must attend the coaches meeting. If you want to coach, contact Branson O'Hara
New Parent Meeting: October 14th at 7:00 PM

Skills Evaluation: October 11th
Grades 7-8: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Grades 9-12 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Players must come to evaluation to make team as fair as possible

Fall Volleyball Information




Youth Volleyball Skills Camp

This camp will be an introductory Volleyball Skills Camp. It is for girls who may not know if they want to play volleyball, never played or only played a few seasons. We will be going over the basics of volleyball (passing, serving, game play).

Spring Registration: January 1st - February 25th
Camp Dates: Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday, March 4th
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Fee: $25/Members; $35/Non Members

Fall Registration: August 1st - September 30th
Camp Dates: Tuesday, October 8th and Thursday, October 10th
Fee: $25/Members; $35/Non Members




Spring Season

Registration: March 1st - May 1st
Season: May 12th - June 16th
Tournament: June 23rd
Fee: $60/Members; $80/Public
A late fee of $10 will be applied if a registration is accepted past the deadline
Coaches Meeting: May 6th at 6:00 PM at the YMCA
*All Coaches must attend the coaches meeting. If you want to coach, contact Branson O'Hara
New Parent Meeting: May 6th at 7:00 PM at the YMCA

  • Games are played at the Zoo City Sportsplex
  • Games are played on Monday evenings


Fall Season

Registration: TBA
Season: TBA
Tournament: TBA
Fee: $60/Members; $80/Public
A late fee of $10 will be applied if a registration is accepted past the deadline
Coaches Meeting: TBA at 6:00 PM at the YMCA
*All Coaches must attend the coaches meeting. If you want to coach, contact Branson O'Hara
New Parent Meeting: TBA at 7:00 PM at the YMCA

  • Games are played at the Zoo City Sportsplex
  • Games are played on Monday evenings



You must be 18 and older to be able to play in the adult leagues. This is a team or individual registration, individual registration relies on enough individuals to make a team or be put on a team. If that does not happen, you will be refunded the money.

The Team Captain will register the team up for the league. Team Captains and individual players must attend the Captain's Meeting to keep their spot in the league and to go over schedule and rule changes. Games are played on Monday nights 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, with a tournament at the end of the season. If you have any questions, contact Branson O'Hara.



Spring Volleyball Season

Individual/Team Registration: January 1st - March 6th
Season: March 17th - April 28th
Tournament: May 5th
Individual: $30 per person if you get on a team
Cost: $350 per team
Captains Meeting: March 6th at 6:00 PM


Fall Volleyball Season

Individual/Team Registration: August 1st - October 16th
Season: October 27th - November 25th
Tournament: December 8th
Individual: $30 per person if you get on a team
Cost: $350 per team
Captains Meeting: October 16th at 6:00 PM



Spring Season

Registration: March 1st - May 8th
Season: May 12th - June 16th
Tournament: June 23rd
Cost: $350 per team
Captains Meeting: May 8th at 6:00 PM


Fall Season

Registration: TBA
Season: TBA
Tournament: TBA
Cost: $350 per team
Captains Meeting: TBA



Zoo City Volleyball Club promotes physical fitness and athleticism in a fun, safe and clean environment. We are one of the top Volleyball Clubs in the Randolph County area. 

For more information, visit the Zoo City Volleyball webpage