Clasheboro Spring Invitational

Soccer Director - Joe Taureck

The 1st Annual Randolph-Asheboro YMCA Clasheboro Spring Invitational Soccer Tournament
Hosted by Randolph-Asheboro YMCA, Asheboro City Futbol Club and the Davidson County Youth Soccer Association

March 8th & 9th


Tournament Pricing:

U12 & Under: $600
U13 & U14: $650
U15 & Above: $700

All games will be played at the Cone Health Zoo City Sportsplex

Team trophy to division winners
3 game guarantee


Click HERE to register your team! 



2025 ACFC Clasheboro Spring Invitational Permission to Host


Hotel Information:

Book by February 20th to take advantage of special pricing! 

Fairfield Inn
(336) 625-9197
920 Executive Way
Asheboro, NC 27203

Book your group rate for Clashboro Spring Invitational

Hampton Inn Asheboro
(336) 625-9000
1137 E. Dixie Dr.
Asheboro, NC 27203

Book your group rate for Clashboro Spring Invitational